Best Christmas/New Year MP3 Gifts

Saturday, October 07, 2006


Dear Readers,

Be Happy! Be Healthy! Be Successful!

You must have given us as dead! Gone! Finished! Well, sphinx like we have resurfaced.

I am very sorry to have disappeared for such a long time. Much has flown down the Ganga (you will get used to my spellings) since then. Well, much has happened with us also. This is a long story. Someday I may tell this personal story. For the time being let it suffice that it (plus habitual procrastination) interfered with the continuity of the blog.

Since this is sort of our rebirth, let us ponder over our future and priorities. Most of the blogs on the net are on current activities, news, happenings, and thoughts and views on them. We had started The Life Beautiful! to Be Happy! Be Healthy! and Be Successful! We would like to stick to these. In our blog we will give you information and view how to be happy, healthy, and successful and make your life beautiful.

We have also changed our priorities a little. Previously we used to write Be Happy! Be Successful! Be Healthy! Now we are writing Be Happy! Be Healthy! Be Successful! This reflects our realization that health is more important than success.

Like the blog, our website, The Life Beautiful! and its three subdomains:,, and, remained inactive these months. Lately, we have worked on thelifebeautiful, happinessmantra, fitnessmantra, and successmantra. We have painstakingly brought uniformity in all the pages of the website, added quite a lot of material, and, most importantly, checked that all the links were alive and well. This Blog and the website both are being re-launched simultaneously. Please visit the website and subdomains at the above addresses.

We have also written new ebooks and fully revised old ones. Now we offer following ebooks:

ACCIDENTAL LOVE (Short story collection)
ODYSSEY OF LOVE (A long sweet-sour love poem)
INDIAN RELIGION (An Introduction)

Please read about them at:

Quite a lot of material has been added to the website and its subdomains and we request you to visit it and let us know your comments either through comments under this blog or through Guest Book or Forum in the main website.

We have compiled a Mini-Guide on Happiness which is freely downloadable at and we strongly urge you to read it.

We have given quite a thought to the future of the blog. Though we would have liked to write it daily, it seems that it is an unrealistic aim. Even once a week seems somewhat difficult. On the other hand, we are sure, you would like to read new material at least once a week. So, we have decided to begin with once a week. If we are not able to write any significant original material in a given week we will still try to give you some material to read. Let us see how it works.

All the difficulties on being unable to maintain the website and the blog, have given us new insights into various aspects of success. As mentioned above, we have also just completed the Mini-Guide on success. We would like to share some of the insights in it with you in next blog (which will, hopefully, be just one week after this one!).

With regards,

The Life Beautiful!

Next Blog: Overnight Success and Hard Work and Persistence.

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