Best Christmas/New Year MP3 Gifts

Tuesday, November 28, 2006




Recently in a class where I was sitting as a Co-coordinator, the lecturer posed a question:

“What is the difference between Information and knowledge?”

Even as I was wondering what could be the best answer and anticipating as many answers as the participants were in the class, a lady replied,

“Knowledge is practical application of information.”

Just repeat this: Knowledge is practical application of information.

Learned people may find fault with this statement. But see the power of it.

The world is full of enough information. Nearly all of it is freely available to all of us. But often we fail to practically apply it.

Let us just start from smaller things to bigger things:

All of us know the basic information about keeping good health (balanced diet, exercise, positive attitude, etc.), we also know the basic information for being successful (definite goal, persistence, planning, etc.), and we also know how to be happy (be near nature, love your family and friends, be positive and cheerful, etc.), but we miserably fail to apply these in our life.
All the information regarding people and basic emotions and places is known. However, some are able to convert this information into great works of fiction and non-fiction, while others just read them, and get even more information, never being able to write a page.
Quite a lot of information about natural laws is available. Working on that great scientists and scholars discover and invent great new things. With the help of technology they make new things.
Criminal Code and Law books mention penalties for all sorts of crimes. Yet this information does not deter many of us to commit crimes! This is a negative type of application!
All the tenets of good and moral behaviour are there in the great religious books. Just following them we could make this earth a paradise. But we not only fail to apply these in our life, but often we misinterpret them and fight with and kill each other.

This list can be expanded indefinitely. But the central point is clear:

Knowledge is practical application of information.

I am not for a moment saying that this practical application is always simple and easy. Discovering the riddles of life and universe or making a space ship out of the available knowledge is not for everybody. Many of them may lack even sufficient information.

But in many spheres of life we do know all the information. Yet it is precisely in these spheres that we fail miserably. These are: Inter-personal relations, being happy, healthy, and successful, controlling our emotions and violent and criminal acts, avoiding harmful substances and drugs, etc.

If I may say it differently, I would assert:

In the sea of information, we are thirsty of knowledge


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