Best Christmas/New Year MP3 Gifts

Thursday, May 08, 2008


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Imagine if you could remember everything in your life!

Then you would surely remember your birth, enfancy, childhood, and a constant presence, life-support, and abode of infinte love and care--your dear mother.

Your mother bore you nine and half months in her womb. She nourished you there from her blood. She carried you inside her mindful of your safety and care. She sacrificed her comforts, life style and food habits for you. Your mother might have even sacrificed her career and health for you.

Then Your mother went through excruciating pain while giving birth to you. She endnagered her own life and health while giving birth to you. It is said that child birth is second life for the mother--because she could have died during it.

After your birth, you were totally dependent on the mother for all of your needs--love and care, security, and nourishment. She nourished you with her milk. She slept pitfully waking at every movement and cry of yours. You pissed and defecated all over her. Your mother did not mind. You scattered food and water all around the house. She did not care. When you fell sick your mother sat awake all night looking at your face.

When you grew up a little, she taught you all sorts of things and carried you all around proudly and carefully. She worried everytime when you went outside. She imagined all sorts of bad things happening to you. She worried no end.

But, of course, you don't remember all that. You think that you were born adult! That's why even today you don't remember your mother. To serve one's mother is the greatest bliss on earth. Those are fortunate whose mother is alive.

If you are a girl, you may be looking eagerly to motherhood. If you are already a mother, you must be taking care of your son or daughter. Then how could you forget somebody who took similar care of yours.

If you are a man with children seeing your wife taking care of your children with love, think of your mother too.

Are you not ashamed that you have practically forgotten your mother? You have left her to fend for herself in her old age. What would have happned if your mother too had abandoned you at your enfancy? You could not have survived. How, then, you imagine that your mother can survive without your care and love in this old age?

Even if your mother is not old and incapable, she still loves you and wants to be near you and your family. Give her opportunities to be a part of your family.

And, if she is still with you in a joint family, don't treat her as a burden. This is a great opportunity to serve your mother.

On this mother's day, give her the gift of love and care. This is the greatest gift you could give her. She really does not want anything else from you.

But in your childhood you pestered her for millions of things and she gave you thousands of gift. So, on this special Mother's Day give her some gift which she would love and cherish.

Above all, don't forget Mother's Day. Plan for it from this moment. And choose your gifts (don't give her just one!) with love and care. Don't let money come between you. Sky is the limit where mother's love (or gift) is concerned!

Happy Mother's Day!



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